You Should be Steaming!

Steaming is a great way to increase the hydration of your hair. This will help your hair maintain moisture and increase your hair's elasticity. Steaming also helps to improve blood circulation in your scalp and promotes hair growth. Treatments will also be able to penetrate your hair deeply if steam is added. The addition of steam to your hair care regimen will help to heal damaged hair.

Although steaming is a great way to help your hair, if done improperly, you can cause harm. Take a look at some of the Do's and Don'ts of steaming to ensure that you steam your hair properly.


  1. USE DISTILLED WATER, this preserves the life of your steamer.

  2. Steam weekly. This will help dry hair to retain moisture and increase softness and elasticity.

  3. Have a towel or washcloth on hand. Your hair will drip and you will get wet without a towel on hand.

  4. Steam for a minimum of 20 minutes but no more than 30 minutes. If you have a hard time sitting still, read or pray to pass time. It is important that you give your hair time to open and absorb the treatment.

  5. Make sure all of your hair is under the steamer. If your hair is longer, clip it up to ensure that your ends get steam. The ends of your hair are the oldest part of your hair. They NEED LOVE too!

  6. Allow your hair to cool after your steam treatment. This ensures that your cuticles have closed and that your hair has sealed in the conditioning benefits.


Hair Steaming

Parental supervision is suggested when you are steaming your little ones hair.


  1. Please do not cover your head. This is not your traditional hooded dryer. You will prevent the steam from opening your cuticle for the conditioner to penetrate your hair. Direct steam allows the treatment to penetrate your hair immediately.

  2. If you hair is long, do not leave your hair down. Your ends will not gain the benefits of the steam.

  3. Don't get under the steamer right away. Allow a few minutes to pass so that the water bubbles and the vapor heats up.

  4. Don't forget the nape of your hair. Some of the hooded steamers are small. Position yourself in a way that all of your hair will benefit from the steam.

  5. DO NOT OVERDO IT! Steaming too much can over moisturize your hair. Signs of too much moisture are limp, mushy, weak hair.


You may need a trim.